Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How bad do I want it?

That's a darned good question. One I've been working through in my head all night. Apparently I don't want it badly enough to get up and run at 5:30am. This morning when my alarm went off at 5:20am I groaned, viewed the way-too-early-in-the-a.m. darkness, and hid under my pillow until 6:40am. Read: no morning workout.

I planned for the Tuesday a.m. workout on Monday. I stayed late at work Monday night so I could go in later this morning. I imagined a 6:45am wake-up, 7am run, 7:35am dog walk, shoer, breakfast, go. What happened? We received an emergency water pipe replacement notice last night when we arrived home at 8:30pm. No water running on 9/1 (today) between 7am-7pm. All showers must be complete by 7am. Well damn. Hence my lame attempt to rise at 5:30am while knowing I hate early morning exercise. Really, I'm no good at regular mornings.

So now I must leave work early enough to run before the first dinner date of the week (to which I'll have to go to sweaty). I'll take my gear to work, which will help and stop in JP on the way home to run around the lake. Good plan. The dog has the dog park today so I'm not as stressed about her getting a walk this evening- we'll play soccer instead.

With that conundrum solved, back to the first question. How bad do I want it? I want to hit goal. Which, we know I'm not sure the number of as yet. 150? 160? Whatever. Though it's tricky to drive toward nothing. But, I do want it. I want this to be the end to my WW losing career. I want to fit into my HOT wedding dress a little better. I want to lose 100lbs from my 248.6lb beginnings. I want to stop paying $40/month for meetings. I want my goal eight and maintenance key ring charms darn it.

So in the next 7 weeks, despite the most intense work and social schedules I've had in a while (read at least 2 BBQs, out-of-town friend dinner, a NYC trip, and long work days) I want to make a significant loss for the Lose For Good campaign. I'd like to hit an 8lb loss, my wise wise partner is encouraging me to shoot for 5lbs. So, the goal is a definite 5lbs off- 8lbs and I'll be ecstatic!

Now to pack for work-running gear, food, water. Go!

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